Welcome to The Yauponeer Blog!
A space where we discuss anything and everything yaupon related

Our Unique Path
Attention Yauponeers, we have exiting news!
As we often like to say here at Yaupon Tea Co. we are not your average tea company, and are very proud to say it.
That’s because we are obsessed with providing the most sustainable, natural, and eco-friendly products, packaging, and services possible, with the goal of maximizing our positive impact for both people and the environment. For us this can mean many different things, but today I’m very excited to announce and introduce the next step in our journey to achieve our many sustainability and community focused goals, officially introducing:
“The Path to Community-Based Ecological Regeneration – Yaupon Tea Token and Decentralized Impact Organizations (DIOs) ” Whitepaper
As many of you know, we have recently unveiled our pilot community yaupon supplier program, which enables local land stewards (farmers, land managers, and landowners) to benefit both financially and ecologically from the sustainable harvesting and management of their yaupon holly.
Whether they have too much yaupon growth or not enough, this innovative program allows our suppliers to benefit both from the various positive ecosystem services provided through sustainable yaupon holly management, (like improved water quality, soil health, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration) along with additional rewards based on the quality and quantity of yaupon provided. More so, this program greatly increases our own supply resiliency, research potential, and local positive ecological impact. If you want to read more about the specifics of this program, check out our previous blog post, here.
The important take away from this is that we not only provide yaupon landscaping services for people and communities in need, reducing inputs into the local waste stream, but also provide additional rewards to our suppliers based on the quality and quantity of yaupon provided to us for research and/or re-sale.
These incentivized rewards are crucial to our grassroots community-based process, as they further maximize the growth and sustainable management of yaupon holly itself. This in turn allows us to expand our network and repeat this value-adding process once again, maximizing the potential our of yaupon education, research, and local restoration projects and initiatives.
Yaupon Tea Token
Introducing: An innovative and novel way of storing, exchanging, and crowdsourcing ecological and social value, backed by publicly exchangeable, 3rd party verified, carbon and ecosystem credits.

Yaupon Tea Token is a Proof-of-Stake based public blockchain governance token built on the Cosmos SDK, providing Yaupon Tea Co. supports of all type’s the ability to direct engage with, govern, and benefit from various aspects of Yaupon Tea Co., the Yaupon Tea Co. DIO, as well as many future community-based restoration projects and initiatives, using decentralized web 3.0 technology.
Yaupon Tea Token will be built upon the Yaupon Tea Co. Registry, a public Cosmos SDK based blockchain, and will be used for all staking, validation, and fee accrual/rewards, along with any future rewards, incentives, or programs.
YTT and the Yaupon Tea Co. DIO
More so, Yaupon Tea Token will function as the governance token and sole membership requirement into the Yaupon Tea Co. DIO, a Decentralized Impact Organization which allows members to propose and vote on governance proposals related to the Yaupon Tea Co. Registry Public blockchain.
The goal of the Yaupon Tea Co. DIO is to crowdsource the necessary funding, tools/resources, and social capital required to achieve both our and societies sustainability and climate goals, utilizing the regenerative power of yaupon holly and our network of local supporters and suppliers. Yaupon Tea Co. DIO would thus function similarly to other Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, but all members would be economically and socially aligned in the common goal of maximizing the positive impact and value of Yaupon Holly, Yaupon Tea Co., and Yaupon Tea Token and their associated ecological and societal benefits. The fund will begin with an initial distribution of 100,000 YTT and will grow as a portion of all gas fees paid on the network, minting/token distribution fees, as well as sale of any carbon/ecosystem credits will be put into the Yaupon Tea Co. DIO Community fund to be used for various future projects, protocols, and incentives.
With Yaupon Tea Token and the Yaupon Tea Co. Registry, we can enable the creation and public exchange of various carbon and ecosystem credits, with the help of Regen.Network and IXO.World, created from the sustainable management and monitoring of our yaupon holly.

Verified Carbon and Ecosystem Credits
Here at Yaupon Tea Co. we already work with a network of local land stewards (farmers, land managers, and land owners) to sustainably harvest and manage stands of yaupon holly growth. But by utilizing new advances in GIS, Remote Sensing, and Drone technology, we are now able to more accurately record and value the many positive ecosystem benefits provided through the sustainable management and growth of yaupon holly. This includes benefits like increased water quality, soil health, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration, all by allowing yaupon to grow naturally within its native habitat.
Although we already provide financial rewards for this restorative process, we at Yaupon Tea Co. wish to further incentivize this rapid ecological regeneration by creating publicly exchangeable, 3rd party validated, carbon and ecosystem credits based on the above measurable ecological benefits provided.
Our preliminary research shows yaupon can provide various ecosystem services through its sustainable harvesting and management, with Yaupon Tea Token / Registry / DIO and groups like Regen.Network and IXO.World providing the necessary framework and resources to enable the creation, sale, and governance of associated non-fungible carbon and ecosystem credits. By combining trusted ecological data collection methodology with advances in blockchain technology and decentralized funding mechanisms, we can both economically and ecologically align the incentives and objects of our members to further benefit from the collective regeneration of our lands and people through the sale of these carbon and ecosystem credits.
Initial Token Distribution
1 YTT will be given for every 1 oz of Yaupon Tea sold or $10 spent at yaupon.store, starting now, until the token supply runs out (Reward Supply: 100,000 YTT, or 10% of total supply).
This will work to:
- Reward early supporters of Yaupon Tea Co.
- Establish Initial Token Distribution
- Begin to align the price of Yaupon Tea Token with the value of our positive impacts
Beyond this, multiple future airdrops will help to align the rest of available initial token liquidity with supports of similar and likeminded projects and protocols. Keep in mind there may be future airdrops for projects and protocols not mentioned here.
Why on a blockchain?
Utilizing a public blockchain and governance token provides us much more flexibility as well as the proper decentralized framework, funding, and incentive mechanisms to achieve all our ambitious goals.
As our mission is:
“To provide to the world the many wonders of yaupon holly, focusing on the many ecological, economic, and health benefits of its widespread use and re-introduction. This will be done by creating the most natural, healthy, and sustainable products possible, through regenerative practices, direct community involvement, and various educational workshops.”
To achieve this, we believe a community owned and governed token, based on state-of-the-art blockchain technology provided by the Cosmos SDK and backed by 3rd party verified positive ecological changes, would be the best way to go.
One of the many pitfalls of current carbon credit markets is their privacy and the lack of interoperability and consistency between individual carbon credits themselves. By utilizing a public Proof-Of-Stake based blockchain, along with the carbon and ecosystem credit framework and methodology of Regen.network and IXO world, we can allow for the 3rd party verification and public exchange of carbon and ecosystem credits based on sound scientific principles and accepted peer-reviewed methodology.
Additionally, the public nature of a blockchain provides a novel solution to the privacy and inconsistency of current carbon credit markets. This would also allow our community of supports and suppliers the ability to own a piece of our innovative regenerative model, benefiting from the value-adding positive feedback loop of sustainable yaupon holly management, growth, and sales. More so, these supporters would also be given the ability to vote on and create proposals pertaining to the direction and technical specifics of the Yaupon Tea Co. Registry, enabling a truly grassroots, decentralized organization filled with likeminded individuals and their collective ecological objectives and outcomes.
Why Proof-Of-Stake and the Cosmos SDK?
A Proof-Of-Stake network provides us with the necessary finality, energy efficiency, and cost-effectiveness required to create and settle various ecological agreements connected to their associated positive impacts.
More so, the Cosmos Software Development Kit is a complete and free toolset created to allow for the creation of your very own application specific blockchain or public ledger, giving us both the necessary framework, resources, and tools to create a blockchain for our specific needs. This control includes many different aspects of overall blockchain consensus and governance, including the amount of and requirements for node operators/validators, staking rewards, and various future incentive programs and proposals.
Yaupon Tea Co. DIO?
Today, thanks to advances in both trusted-distributed ledger systems technology and various grassroots social policy successes, it is possible to align the economic, ecological, and social incentives of otherwise independent individuals, using programmable, fair incentives and collectivized, decentralized, resource governance and management.
This comes in the form of a Decentralized Impact Organization, or DIO, which binds the economic, ecological, and social objects of a given project or cause using decentralized blockchain technology and governance. This means YTC DIO members will share a collective economic fate based on the positive impacts they aim to create with various YTC DIO proposals, projects, and initiatives created by fellow members themselves.
* More so, a portion of all gas fees paid on the network, minting/token distribution fees, as well as sale of any carbon/ecosystem credits will be put into the Yaupon Tea Co. DIO Community fund to be used for various future projects, protocols, and incentives. This community ran fund ensures every value adding aspect of Yaupon Tea Co., Yaupon Tea Co. Registry, and Yaupon Tea Co. DIO is flowing back into the Yaupon Tea Token and the very supports and land stewards involved in this innovative regenerative process.
What about NFTs?
Here at Yaupon Tea Co. we are very interested in working with all types of local artists, activists, and organizations to further our mission and enable community through art, NFTs, and the blockchain. That’s why we will be releasing a series of limited Yaupon Tea Co. NFTs, in direct collaboration with local’s artists and blockchain engineers.
This will be done to crowdsource the necessary funding and social capital required for this ambitious project of ours. Thus, all proceeds from our NFT sales will go towards creating and maintaining Yaupon Tea Token and Yaupon Tea Co. Registry, with our NFTs acting as an organic way of supporting our mission, as well as providing exclusive access to various future exclusive YTC NFT airdrops and Yaupon Tea Co. product releases.

All Yaupon Tea Co. NFT holders will also be eligible for a future YTT airdrop (details TBA).
To benefit as many of our early supporters as possible, there will be multiple future YTT airdrops to ensure as many people / organizations involved in various aspects of our research, community involvement, and yaupon supplier network and rewarded appropriately.
More so, as we are committed to Cosmos Networks mission of interoperability and inclusion, we will be providing a YTT airdrop for all Atom, Regen, IXO, and KlimaDAO holders and stakers.
These YTT airdrops will go as follows (400,000 YTT or 40% total):
- A retroactive airdrop for all early supporters of Yaupon Tea Co. (1 YTT for every $10 spent)
- An ongoing airdrop for all supporters of Yaupon Tea Co., until supply runs out (1 YTT per 1 oz of Yaupon Tea or $10 of merch at yaupon.store, up to 100,000 YTT)
- A future airdrop for all Atom, Regen, IXO, and KlimaDAO holders and stakers, based on an upcoming snapshot (Date TBA)
- A future airdrop for all YTC NFT holders (Date TBA)
To be eligible:
You must hold and/or stake Atom, Regen, IXO, and/or KlimaDAO in a non-custodial wallet (i.e. Keplr, Metamask, etc)
Have purchased 1 oz of dried yaupon tea or $10 of value at yaupon.store (before supply runs out) and verified your wallet address here.
For Early Supporters:
Thank you! Verify your wallet address here to see how much YTT your eligible to receive.
YTT represents an innovative and novel way of storing, exchanging, and crowdsourcing ecological and social value, backed by publicly exchangeable, 3rd party verified, carbon and ecosystem credits.
Total Supply: 1,000,000 YTT
Initial Liquidity Bootstrapping / Validator / Staking Rewards: 400,000 YTT
Future Community Airdrops: 400,000 YTT (see list below)
YTC Early Supporter Rewards: 100,000 YTT
YTC DIO Community Fund: 100,000 YTT
To ensure the correct economic mechanisms are in place to drive value back to Yaupon Tea Token, Yaupon Tea Co. Registry, and Yaupon Tea Co. DIO in the long term, careful consideration must be done when defining the total supply, rate of inflation (new token creation), and any burn/buyback or incentive mechanisms for both the protocol and underlying token/tokens.
To achieve this, we believe YTT should have a long term deflationary or at least neutral supply, with the rate of inflation, or new token creation, remaining at most equal to that of the value of YTT rewards and/or Impact credit yields created in the long term. This means balancing the value of carbon or ecosystem credits minted and paid out to the supporters with the inflation rewards received for node operators / staking. This will ensure the total supply of YTT is algorithmically connected to that of our ecological and economic successes, balancing the token supply by at least the value we have extracted from nature with our regenerative projects.
For example, if the network inflation (new token creation) is set to 20% per year for staking/node operators, we would expect at least a corresponding percentage of value, 20%, coming from verifying impact claims and carbon / ecosystem credits. Additionally, as a portion of all gas fees paid on the network, minting/token distribution fees, as well as sale of any carbon/ecosystem credits will go into the YTC DIO Community Fund, this adds another YTT supply sink and thus further buying pressure, all the while gaining from real-time sustainable value accrual.
So, as more projects are achieved and more positive benefits and impacts are verified and exchanged, the more the supply of YTT shrinks, with each YTT representing the added value from verified positive ecological and social impacts and their rewards.
All this works to achieve two essential deflationary economic components, a reduced supply with increasing value accrual and real-time network effects.
* Keep in mind all this is subject to change, and is by no means a final copy or edition, rather an open call for further discussion and development. *
We're hiring!
We will need your support to make this dream a reality…
That’s why are actively recruiting all web 3.0 software developers, including but not limited to defi/smart contract developers, Cosmos SDK developers, front-end / back-end web developers, and more!
Also, if you are interested in becoming an early node operator or validator, please let us know. Or if you have any skillset related to cryptography, blockchain development, or web 3.0 development, please do not hesitate to reach out, we are very interested!
Additionally, if you are a creator of, part of, or know of any related synergistic project, protocol, or platform, please contact us about possible collaboration opportunities!
We truly believe a rising tide lifts all ships, especially with the Cosmos ecosystem and all its innovative projects and protocols. This was one of the main reasons we choose Cosmos SDK over other EVM and non-EVM compatible blockchains, as we see the unparallel level of collaboration within the Cosmos ecosystem as a true catalyst for many future successes and innovations.
From the wise words of the great Gregory Landua, Co-founder of Regen.Network, “lets out collaborate the competition!”
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Andrew R. Kiley
Co-founder of Yaupon Tea Co.
“If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing”
Интересный пост
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